You need to expand the project folder in the data definition view to see the newly created database. 你需要在数据定义视图中展开项目文件夹,以看到新创建的数据库。
Using this tool, you can capture the data definition language ( DDL) for such objects in the source database, and apply it to recreate those objects in the target database. 使用这个工具,您可以在源数据库中捕获到定义这些对象使用的数据定义语言(DDL),并在目标数据库中使用这些数据定义语言重新创建这些对象。
Start with some data definition. 首先从一些数据定义开始。
Select the project folder in the data definition view. 选择数据定义视图中的项目文件夹。
To browse your file system to select an existing data definition file. 展开文件系统,选择既有的数据定义文件。
Data Definition Language ( DDL) and Data Manipulation Language ( DML) 数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)
This data definition file is a tab-separated text file, with a.ttx file extension ( TTX), that is an outline of a table structure. 该数据定义文件是一个以.ttx为扩展名的、有标记界限的文本文件,良好地展现了表结构。
When you run SQL data definition statements from within a grid context on one server in the grid, those statements are propagated to all other servers in the grid. 在网格中的某台服务器上的网格上下文中运行SQL数据定义语句时,那些语句将被广播到网格中的其他所有服务器。
The db2look tool can extract data definition language ( DDL) statements from a database in order to reproduce the database objects of a production database on a test database. db2look工具能够从一个数据库中提取数据定义语言(DDL)语句,以便在测试数据库中复制产品数据库的数据库对象。
Finally, we perform the Data Definition Language ( DDL) statements using the executeCommand() method of the Database object. 最后,我们用Database对象的executeCommand()方法来执行数据定义语言(DDL)语句。
Finally, the generation of Data Definition Language has been improved to be more readily consumable. 最后,数据定义语言(DataDefinitionLanguage)的生成已经过了改进,现在变得更容易使用。
This project also has the Data Definition Language ( DDL) files for the customer table for both DB2 and Oracle. 此项目还包含用于DB2和Oracle的客户表的数据定义语言(DDL)文件。
Type Trees are the data definition files that define the format of the input and output data. 类型树是定义输入和输出数据的格式的数据定义文件。
A prime example is physical data models that directly manipulate SQL Data Definition Language. 一个很好的例子就是直接操作SQL数据定义语言的物理数据模型。
Because the UCLA Health System uses XML for patient metadata, supporting a new electronic form in the PODS collection involves creating the data definition or schema for form content. 因为UCLAHealthSystem使用XML存储患者元数据,所以在PODS集合中支持新的电子表单需要为表单内容创建数据定义或模式。
This enables administrators to use familiar SQL data definition language ( DDL) statements to create database objects for persisting their XML data. 这使管理员能够使用熟悉的SQL数据定义语言(DDL)语句来创建存储XML数据的数据库对象。
A new Crystal Report will then be created without actually connecting to any database, because this Crystal Report will be based on a data definition file. 不需要连接到任何数据库,就可以建立一个新的CrystalReport,因为这个CrystalReport是基于一个数据定义文件的。
If there are multiple schemas in the database, then select the appropriate schema in the data definition view, and then click on the diagram. 如果在数据库中有多个schema,那么你就要在数据定义视图中选择合适的schema,然后在图上点击。
In this article, you saw how the Visual XForms Designer enables the major phases of form development: data definition, control creation, submission creation, and testing. 通过本文,您看到了VisualXFormsDesigner对表单开发主要阶段的支持:数据定义、控件创建、提交创建和测试。
That's a data definition problem& the kind of problem that data governance aims to eliminate through effective master data management ( MDM). 这是数据定义问题&数据治理要通过有效的主数据管理(MDM)消除此类问题。
You can execute both data definition language ( DDL) and data manipulation language ( DML) statements, and obtain and display the results using this tool. 您可以执行数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)语句,并使用该工具来获取和显示结果。
SQL has two main components: a Data Definition Language ( DDL) and a Data Manipulation Language ( DML). SQL有两个主要部分:数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操纵语言(DML)。
You can refer to the Data Definition Language ( DDL) statements in Listing 1 to create the database and table for the sample application. 您可以参考清单1中的数据定义语言(DDL)语句,为样例应用程序创建数据库和表。
The data definition is simpler, because it reflects the user-data interactions. 数据定义被简化,因为它反映了用户和数据的交互。
The DDL ( Data Definition Language) statements throughout this article are provided as a sample. 全文提供了示例DDL(数据定义语言)语句。
Identifying these logical relationships is a job of the data administrator. A data definition language is used for this purpose. 确定这些逻辑关系是数据管理者的任务,由数据定义语言完成。
A common approach to defining data is through inheritance – taking an existing data definition and adding parameters. 一种常见的定义数据的方法是通过继承&使用现有的数据定义并添加参数。
The set of statements, expressed in data definition language, that completely describe the structure of a data base. 一组以数据定义语言来表达的语句集,该语句集完整地描述了数据库的结构。
The data definition involves creating necessary tables in the target data store and providing clear definition of domain-level relationships between entity sets. 数据定义涉及到在目标数据存储中建立必要的表,并且提供实体集之间的域级关系的明确定义。
The database must support at least one clearly defined language that includes functionality for data definition, data manipulation, data integrity, and database transaction control. 数据库必须支持至少一个确切的定义语言包括数据定义,数据操纵,数据完整和数据库事务控制等功能。